Kag - Commands List

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Slash Command Description Prefix Command
help get the bot invite link and command list >help, >invite, >commands
stats get statistics related to Kag >stats
suggest send us a suggestion! make sure you are specific. >suggest [suggestion]
btc view the price of Bitcoin >btc
eth view the price of Ethereum >eth
crypto view the price of any cryptocurrency >crypto [symbol or name]
address view information about a BTC/ETH/LTC address >address [0x1bd...705fa]
convert convert between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies >convert [5] [btc] (usd)
stock view a stock's price from its symbol or name >stock [tesla]
nft view an NFT collection or an NFT by its token ID /nft [bayc] (1000)
nfts view the NFTs owned by an ETH address /nfts [0x1bd...705fa]
fromdiscord retrieve the Roblox usernames linked to a Discord tag >d2r, >disc2rbx [mention or ID]
todiscord retrieve the Discord tag linked to a Roblox username >r2d, >rbx2disc [Roblox123]
template retrieve the template of a Roblox shirt/t-shirt/pants >s, >steal [asset URL or ID]
user / userid lookup a Roblox user >u, >id, >lookup [Roblox123]
item lookup any item made by Roblox >i, >item [epic face]
group / groupid lookup a Roblox group >g, >group [name or ID]
game lookup a Roblox game >game [name or ID]
names check a Roblox user's previous names >names, >usernames [Roblox123]
lastonline check a Roblox user's last online status >lastonline [Roblox123]
verified check a Roblox user's email verification status >verified [Roblox123]
rap check the RAP & Value of a Roblox user >rap [Roblox123]
inventory check a Roblox user's inventory stats or if they own an item >inventory, >hats [user] (verified sign)
outfits view a Roblox user's outfits >outfits [Roblox123]
name check a Roblox username's availability >name, >username [Roblox123]
limited retrieve the cheapest Roblox limited item >lim, >limited
tiktok tiktok.com user info >tiktok, tt [username]
instagram instagram.com user info >instagram, >ig [username]
twitter twitter.com user info >twitter, >twit [username]
twitch twitch.tv user info >twitch, >ttv [username]
github github.com user info >github, >git [username]
youtube youtube.com user info >youtube, >yt [username]
lastfm last.fm user info >lastfm, >lf [username]
fortnite epicgames.com/fortnite user info >fortnite, >fn [username]
hypixel hypixel.net user info >hypixel, >hy [username]
minecraft minecraft.net user info >minecraft, >mc [username]
steam steamcommunity.com user info >steam [username]

Made by 29#9696 & explosion#0001